Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas+Louis Tomlinson bday coming up!


I can't contain the excitement,not only for Christmas but for Louis William Tomlinson's birthday....AH!

I'm not only excited I'm a little upset because time flew by soooo fast!It's like it was just yesterday he was 20 and now hes turning 23?All of the boys have grown up so fast (especially harry) but when its any of their birthdays the same thing happens over and over!(mostly with niall because hes my fav as you know).

Moving on...Christmas!woooooooo!I cant wait!I can finally get a new laptop and printer to be a better blogger and I cant get certain posters that I want for my wall decoration.I cant wait to have Four (One Direction) and 1989 (Taylor Swift).Oh yeah y'all didnt know anything about me being a swiftie because all I ever talked about last year was One Direction and I guess I forgot about all of my fandoms because I was so lost in the topic of One Direction #sorryNOTsorry!

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