Monday, December 22, 2014

Starting to write books/fanfictions

I have started to write books on and I just love writing and journaling so much and that's exactly why I have ever started this blog in the first place.I love putting out my thoughts in writing I just cant say how I feel out loud I have to have pen and paper to express it all.I am very creative I  love music,art,and writing I am right brained or whatever the thing is called. Anyways I might start writing Shawn Mendes fan-fiction or Hayes Grier fan-fiction I don't know I think I'm gonna choose  Shawn Mendes because on my top 5 list of favorite vine boys he's on number one and Hayes is on number two but I guess I'll write the Hayes Grier fanfic after I will write the Shawn Mendes one.Anyways... on Wattpad Im writing a book called "Inside the Mind of an Outcast" Its turning out great so far...Wish me luck ;)

Gotta go to bed night xx

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